What is the process of engagement
We start with a 60 minute interview initially which we perform a client fact find.
At the time of the initial interview, I will usually ask for documents to look at including:
- ID (Drivers Licence and Passport) for Anti Money Laundering requirements as well as Identification confirmation processes.
- Income details (payslip/financial statements)
- Assets (details of share or fund held, superannuation statements
- Liabilities (details of credit card, home loans, investment property loans)
- Current Living expenses including rent.
- Income Tax returns
- Life insurances held
A quote is provided based on the scope of work required. Once accepted the work will progress.
This is followed by the analysis of information and investigations. After which the recommendations are recorded in a Statement of Advice which is used for discussion and implementation/execution.
Execution involved implementation of requirements, filing forms and liaising with the product issuers and transfer of funds to product providers.
If you have signed up for the on-going service, we will then meet at least annually, or more often, to track and tune the investments and strategies.
How are we paid
We are paid mainly by fees issued directly to you. There may be fees which we can assign to superannuation funds which may be tax effective. A portion relating to investments may also be tax deductible.
However we also receive commissions from insurance product to help us allay the cost of helping of you initially and on-going.
What is the scoping process
The scoping process determines the amount of work required to complete the strategies implementation. This may require cash flow, superannuation ( as well SMSFs), investment, life insurance and estate management. This may also entail legal structures to achieve your objectives (e.g. trusts and companies).
While we are obliged to understand your existing financial position, you are not obliged to require us to complete all the items above. You may want to ask us to exclude certain parts from further consideration, eg your existing pension settings.
What do I get
The most tangible outcome of the work is the Statement of Advice, what we call an SoA. This is the record of all advice provided for the scope of work agreed upon above.
You will also get regular updates from me, especially for events that may impact your products, as well as a newsletter.
What is superannuation
Superannuation is vehicle for savings that has been mandated for your retirement. While there are diferring points of view on superannuation, it is especially useful for borrowing in late stage of your working lives. There are tax benefits and also restrictions on withdrawal before the preservation age is achieved. There are also tax benefits for spouses as well.
Why do I need life insurance
There are 4 main types of life insurance: Death/Life Lump Sum cover, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), Trauma/Critical Illness and Income Protection (IP).
Each of these covers provides benefits to either the beneficiaries (on death) or for the insured (TPD, IP and Trauma/CI) or the policy owner (could be a superannuation fund or a company).
Life insurance protects your or your beneficiaries lifestyles in the event of a health event. It can cover all or part of your mortgage, all or part of yours and your family’s future living expenses.
And despite the workdings, Trauma is not Health Insurance.
Ask yourself - "What should I focus on"
You should focus on what you are trying to achieve by speaking to us – e.g to buy a house, how much I need for retirement, where do I want to live, what I want to give to my kid/s, asset protection, worried about providing for your family if you are injured or face death. You focus on your life objectives so that we can discuss the financial strategies and tools to make it happen.